Lesley Orr
Retired Manufacturing Engineer
Grants Pass & Josephine County Bikeways/Walkways Committee member
Ride the Rogue is such a great cycling event and it is currently the only fund raising method used by the Foundation. After riding in my second Ride the Rogue I knew I wanted to become part of the team of volunteers making this event successful and an experience to look forward to every year. The Foundation’s goal to see a pedestrian and cycling friendly path linking Grants Pass to Ashland will take time and work but it is so worthwhile.

Denise Fields
Shine the Light Foundation Chair
Business Owner: Bellybutton Bears & Homestead Store
“Not only is this a project to connect communities, but one that will connect and strengthen community members in an ongoing sustainable manner.”

Bill Wood
Retired US Air Force Officer & Engineer. Spent most of the past 25 years in Alaska working on construction and project management, to include healthcare equipment and facilities management at a large hospital in Anchorage, and multiple Public Works major construction and renovation efforts at Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks. I’ve always enjoyed any local bike-friendly communities, as bike projects afford families the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors while getting some much-needed fresh air and exercise. I’ve always felt riding my bike is beneficial both mentally and physically, and I look forward to helping enhance this with the Rogue River Greenway project.

Laurie Nielsen
Retired Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Master Gardener
Land Steward
The vision to connect the communities along the Rogue River with a path for foot, bike and other non-motorized, non-car travel is tremendous! This path is available for use by a diverse population and contributes to the health and well-being of our communities in so many ways. I’m pleased to volunteer my time to this endeavor.

Clyde G Fields
Born in Grants Pass and raised in Wimer, OR. I am a graduate and alumni of the Rogue River School District. After high school I spent 21 years in Portland. I attended University of Portland where I earned my Bachelor of Arts in History and Political Science. After college I worked for 12 years in the mechanical contracting sector for both large and small companies. Along the way I got married and after the birth of our first child I stopped working a traditional day job and took on the role of a full time stay at home dad.
In 2016 I returned to the Rogue River area with my wife and two small children so we could raise them in a rural area and be near family.
My family and I are frequent users of the Greenway and advocates of the vision to extend it from Grants Pass to connect with the existing Bear Creek Greenway. As an amateur triathlete and father of young children, we use the Greenway for training runs, walks, quiet bike rides, and moments of peace in the outdoors.

Fred Saunders
Grants Pass/Josephine County resident since 1963
Retired from City of Grants Pass 2019
Engineering Division, Project supervisor.
Former CPII certification (Certified Public Infrastructure Inspector)
Former ODOT construction certification
Extensive experience in design, administration, construction and inspection of pedestrian paths, sidewalks, traffic features, road reconstruction and new construction projects. Familiar with the planning and bidding processes involved in public infrastructure.

David West
I spent most of my youth on my bicycle. Riding with my friends on adventures around my home town and enjoying the freedom and independence riding gave me. We discovered places, and met people we never wound have seen or met if not for our bikes. We used out bikes for everything from adventure, to riding to school, to commuting to work when we were too young to drive a car. Our bikes were a pivotal part of our lives. Fast forward many years and bicycles still give that same freedom and joy.
I was first told about the Rogue River Greenway from a good friend who explained the Greenway Foundation’s vision of a path for walking, running & biking that was safe and accessible to all people. This path would connect the cities of Grants Pass and Rogue River, to the existing route that connects to the Bear Creek Greenway, and leads all the way to Ashland. In my mind, I pictured all of the kids and families that will use the greenway for exercise, fun, and adventure along with the people who may have disabilities that would now have a way to get out safely and enjoy the freedom, and beauty of the wonderful area we live in. At that moment I knew I wanted to be involved.
This project, once completed will allow people of all walks of life to use alternate transportation to access nearly anywhere in Southern Oregon with more convenience and safety than we have today.

Tim Waters
With over 30 years of bicycle industry experience as an Entrepreneur, Training Instructor, Consultant, and avid cyclist, I am interested in expediting the connectivity of the Rogue River Greenway to the existing chosen cities along the river. I am also interested in keeping the Greenway clean, safe and accessible for everyone in the community to use. I have participated in and will continue to participate in the Ride The Rogue event, which is a great way to gather the community and raise funds for the Rogue River Greenway Trail.

Neal Westgerdes
Orchardist (Black Dog Farm, Rogue River)
Food Safety Policy (USDA, Retired)
Siskiyou Velo (Board Member)
The Rogue River Greenway project and its companion fundraising event, Ride the Rogue, are important elements of an active and healthy lifestyle. Their existence invites everyone to enjoy nature through physical activity! I began my return to health journey when I was 54 years of age. At that time, I had a bicycle which I ignored until the first time I rode it on a greenway (Iowa). I completed a 5-mile ride and told others “I can do this”. I believe you can as well. Walk, ride, run or just relax on the Greenway.
Support the Rogue River Greenway and Ride the Rogue. Help make safe and convenient pedestrian transportation available between Rogue River and Grants Pass.